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Breed Info

mid-sized cats
10 to 12 pounds (male cats), 7 to 10 pounds (female cats)
bright green eyes (evolve from yellow with green rims to bright green as kittens age into adult cats)
short thick fur
blue-grey silvery coat
long and slim body
broad forehead and long, straight nose
loving, calm and loyal
good with children and other pets
curios and intelligent, but cautious and shy
tolerate being alone and will happily greet you at the door
prefer a familiar schedule and same people
low grooming requirements
don’t need any special exercise regimen
teaching to use a litter box and scratching post is fairly easy
need clean environment and high-quality cat food
generally healthy cats, thanks largely to the fact that they are a naturally occurring breed
monitor food intake as they love to eat and may struggle with obesity
life span is 10 to 16 years
Shedding and allergies
How to tell a true Russian Blue cat?
Below are the pictures of the purebred Russian Blue cat vs. mixed breed cat (half Russian Blue, he was claimed and sold as pure breed). They are both males of about the same age. You may notice the difference in eyes and fur color, size and body shape. The mixed cat also sheds much more. We love all cats and hope you do too.

shed lightly
have lower levels of known feline allergens
could be less allergenic as they have less fur to trap feline allergens that all cats produce. Some people react to cat dander. However, if you are truly cat allergic, do not get any cat as you may end up re-homing that cat which is very stressful - for both the cat and the owner.