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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the price of a kitten?
    The price is CAD $2,500 and includes: spaying/neutering, vaccinations and vet passport, deworming, pedigree registration papers, health warranty, microchipping (so you can have a registered ownership, travel with your cat and get insurance for your cat). We do have a waitlist so please contact us if you would like to be added (a deposit is required). We limit the waitlist and when it gets full we temporarily close it. The goal is to keep the wait time reasonable, keep our promise, and not overbreed our cats. Sometimes we're questioned as to why the kittens are pricy. Well, the breeding is costly, time consuming and labor intense. All our queens and stud are purebred pedigreed cats only, with all past generations of registered purebred cats and no inbreeding. Our queens are small and bring 3-4 kittens per litter. You can tell it is not a conveyor. In addition, the spaying/neutering and all other vet services may cost over a $1,000 per kitten depending on a clinic. Please note that we, as well as all feline associations, warn about scams. We strongly recommend NOT to buy a kitten from someone who is not registered with a recognized feline association, do not disclose their physical address, do not provide any paperwork, or cannot be adequately researched. You may loose your money or not get what you wanted. Selling mixed breed claiming it is purebred is highly irresponsible and increases the risk of a cat being abandoned or ending up in a shelter.
  • How to prepare for a new kitten?
    Our kittens are usually ready to rehome after 14 weeks of age. At this age, they are less fragile, well-socialized, litter-trained and fully independent. This is also considered the best age to leave their mother and littermates, and bond with the new owner. Your kitten will be happy if basic needs are satisfied: 1. Food and water You need two bowls - one for water and one for food. Cats need access to clean water at all time. For feeding, you can set your own schedule. Our kittens eat both dry and wet (canned) food. Kittens (up to 1 year) eat twice as much as adult cats. Wet food helps cats to stay hydrated, while dry food may be better for reducing the risk of teeth diseases. We recommend using balanced diet cat food that includes all necessary minerals and vitamins (from common brands, e.g. IAMS, Blue, Whiskas). For example, you can leave a bowl of dry food in the morning and give a bowl of wet food in the evening. Remove any unfinished food. Follow the instructions on the food package and use a measure cup. Never give food in a can as cat can cut its tongue. Also do not order canned food delivery during the hot weather as it may get spoiled on its way. Optionally, you can get a water fountain and an automatic feeder (we use both quite successfully). 2. Litter box These cats are very clean and need a litter box cleaned daily. You'll need a litter box and cat litter. Place the litter box far away from cats food and water. Our kittens are trained for both clumping cat litter and wood pellets. Clumping litter is more common and, from our experience, absorbs odors better. Our favorite is "Fresh Step Lightweight Extreme with Febreze Freshness, Clumping Cat Litter". Optionally, you can get a self-cleaning litter-robot (for adult cat). 3. Safe space Check your home is safe for your new kitten. Put aside anything valuable that kitten can easily knock off shelves and tables. Remove anything that can injure a kitten if it jumps on, bites or bumps it. For height, anything the kitten can jump on independently is also safe to jump off. Anything higher, like open second floor, can be dangerous for a kitten to fall. Also some plants can be toxic to cats. For the first few days, do not introduce your kitten to other pets or too many new people. It is also important to spend as much time as you can with your new kitten in the first days. 4. Socializing This breed are social and like to be with and around the owner. They are fine staying home alone but need to spend at least some time with you daily. They sleep up to 14 hours a day including at night. You can set your own rules from the early days (e.g. do not let them into the bedroom at night time). This breed prefer the same daily routing, too many changes in a row can overwhelm a cat, leading to destructive or aggressive behavior. 5. Essential care This breed is generally healthy and relatively low maintenance: your cat needs a scratching post and occasionally you need to cut claws (when they get visibly too long); generally, you do not need to groom or bath them (unless a cat is visibly dirty); your cat may need extra deworming, flea control and booster shots if they spend any time outside or around other cats; a healthy cat is active, has a good appetite, healthy weight and a wet nose. If unsure, visit a vet. To summarize, here is a new kitten essentials list: a carrier (if you pick up from us) two bowls (for food and water) cat food (for kittens, we'll provide a sample) cat litter box, filler and scoop scratching post (the taller the better) cat toys (to chew and play with) Optional: cat tree tower (with hiding place) water fountain automatic feeder self-cleaning litter-robot (for adult cat)
  • Does spaying or neutering hurt my cat?
    No. Neutered cats stay safer and tend to experience fewer health problems. Spaying and neutering also reduce or eliminate undesirable behaviours like spraying, nervousness, roaming, noisiness and demanding behaviour. Cats are given anesthetics during operations and are completely unconscious, so they don’t feel any pain. A long-acting pain relief injection immediately after the procedure eliminates post-surgery discomfort. Cats bounce back quite quickly (within days) after they’re neutered. As a responsible pet owner, you want to keep your cat healthy and safe - and that’s where spaying or neutering comes in.
  • Is this a hypoallergenic cat breed?
    While no breed is completely non-allergenic, Russian Blue is one of the breeds known to produce fewer allergens than other cats. Allergic reaction is caused by a protein called Fel D1 found in cat saliva that causes people to sneeze and feel itchy. Once a cat licks their coat, the allergen-laden saliva dries and becomes airborne, increasing likelihood for a response. Russian Blue shed lightly and could be less allergenic as they have less fur to trap feline allergens that all cats produce. Other factors that contribute to lower allergen production in our cats include: smaller size, spaying/neutering (neutered cats produce less allergen), and light fur (no one knows why but dark cats tend to produce more allergen than light-colored ones).
  • How to tell a true Russian Blue cat?
    These gorgeous mid-sized cats have bright green eyes (in adulthood) and short blue-grey silvery fur. Please note that no one can guarantee a pure breed without a proper registration record from a recognized feline association. This is just how the responsible breeding works. Purebred cats are rare and very unlikely to be found in shelters. Mixed breeds are very common and, despite may have some characteristics of a pure breed, are still visibly different and not recognized as purebred. The differences include: non-green eyes, long fur, non-silvery-grey fur, darker fur, significant shedding, bigger size of a cat, spots, cat's character. Learn more here
  • Can kittens travel by air?
    Yes, it is safe for kittens to travel by air. There is a 'pet in the cabin' fee charged by airline companies (between $50 and $100 for domestic flights) and it must be booked in advance. The cat's carrier shall be small enough to fit under the seat, but also large enough for kitten to stand up inside of it. All airlines have their requirements on their websites.
  • Why choose a Russian Blue cat?
    Loving and calm, these cats have a great character, they are healthy and low maintenance (shed lightly and therefore require less grooming, bathing, do not vomit the hairballs)
  • How big are Russian Blue cats?
    Russian Blues are mid-sized cats that weight 10 to 12 pounds (male cats), 7 to 10 pounds (female cats). Our cats are of a smaller size - our male cat is 9 to 10 pounds and queens are 6 to 7 pounds.
  • Why get a kitten from
    We are responsible breeders committed to transparency, and use only pedigreed Russian Blue cats for breeding.
  • How can I get a kitten from
    We update the information on kittens availability regularly and post in advance. Please e-mail us for details. We keep our customers fully informed.
Russian Blue Cat Hypoallergenic Kittens Adopt
Russian Blue Cat Hypoallergenic Kittens Adopt

© 2021 by 

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Proud member of Canadian Cat Association (CCA-AFC) and The International Cat Association (TICA)

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